Thursday, August 14, 2014

Trip to Michaelene's

I've started taking pictures again. I stopped because I was burnt out: Burnt out from trying to make every moment feel artistic, burnt out from seeing life through a viewfinder. I just wanted to live life and see it through my own eyes.

But I recently had a paradigm shift where I instantly became very aware that life is a cupcake and a teacup. Sweet but fragile. And that's when I knew I wanted to start taking pictures again. I want proof that I was at this tea party. Mostly I want to leave something behind. Breadcrumbs.

We woke up last Saturday...

...ate breakfast... in the car...

...and drove to Aunt Michaelene's.

Abe kept himself occupied while riding in his carseat.

When we arrived Tori was there looking fabulous, as always.

Abe was going nuts in the water, as always.

And everyone enjoyed splashing around under the crusted August sun, as always.

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