Saturday, April 13, 2013

About Handsome

So here's the basics about Handsome:

1. Handsome is soooooooo good looking! He's always been good looking as evidenced below:

Handsome's the Santa on the left
Could good looks get any better than these early childhood photos? Believe it or not, yes they can!



2. Handsome is extremely intelligent. He has social smarts, street smarts, emotional intelligence, and he's a numbers guy. He's also incredibly strategic. He's my first pick in a kickball game, that's for sure.

3. Handsome is good at basketball. Really good. Don't believe me? Take him on in a pick-up game and don't come crying to me after, foo(l) *the "l" is silent.

4.  Handsome plays guitar and composes music on the guitar. He won't let me upload some of his stuff, because it's just for me...but this guy has some serious musical talent. 

Guitar Handsome

5. Handsome is FUNNY!!!!!

Funny Handsome
6. Handsome instantly recognizes other people's gifts. Instead of feeling envious or jealous by those gifts, he starts taking steps to emulate them. He admires others and seeks to obtain their best attributes. He doesn't let pride get in the way of becoming his best self.
Handsome appreciating the cook

7. Handsome has a strong testimony of Jesus Christ. He truly fashions his life around the teachings of the Savior. His testimony is real and vibrant and it is apparent in all of his actions. The gospel of Christ is the center of his life and his wife and family are blessed because that. I will forever admire Handsome's simple, genuine love of God and His church. 

8. Handsome is an amazing husband. He treats me with the most delicate love and tender attention. He cherishes me! I can't explain how wonderful it feels to be cherished, but it feels wonderful. I had no idea I was the most beautiful girl in the world until I met Handsome. I had know idea how smart and funny I was until I met Handsome.
photo by Anna Harrison

9. Handsome is a wonderful dad! He loves the baby so much. He was going to school and working, graduated earlier than expected, and is now working several overtime hours specifically to provide for me and the baby. He takes his responsibility as a provider and protector seriously. 

10. Handsome is AWESOME! But you know what else is great about him? He's fun to be around because he sees himself as just another guy. He's not arrogant or obnoxious, but he's cool and relaxed. A truly humble, non-assuming type. He's definitely someone you want on your kickball team.

Drawing by Sue Deegan
I love you babe!

1 comment:

  1. Awe! :) You are such a sweetie Alyse. Johnny is a lucky guy!
